Monday, October 21, 2013

Looking Back

This month has been oddly very slow at Sacred Cake, but I can't complain. It is affording me the luxury of playfulness and time to look back at favorite pieces to be inspired, contacting customers to say hello, fiddling around at my old table and organizing my area.
Browsing through the earlier days in the "sold" section of my shop, (before the Anna Wintour "vintage jeweled necklaces" caught fire and took over!) I noticed some of the stories that I wrote to go with the pieces I sold.
After all, my tagline is that "Every piece tells a story." Though I rarely do that anymore...we can always begin again. I am a big believer in every day being a new beginning. Lord knowits I need keeps me hopeful!
Here is a little story I came across, and the piece that went with it~

"..she ran her hand noisily along the coolness of the chain link fence during her walk home from the shop until she arrived at her favorite spot. There at the edge of the fence, among the shreds of dirty paper and old faded wrappers, were clusters of fragrant wild tiny scarlet bouquets that grew there just for her."

Feeling the need lately to root myself in what speaks to my heart. I'm creating more assemblage jewellery pieces, bridal pieces, functional art and I might even begin the book that has been floating around in my head for awhile now. I'm also hoping to get back into some favourite magazines next year.
Here are some new assemblage pieces currently in the shop.

Find me also on my favourite sleepless night haunt, Pinterest!
I have boards of Miriam Haskell Jewellery, 1970s fun stuff, needlepoint, pottery, and even one I've begun on Confetti ware...Also, favourite that one.

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