Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Belle Armoire Jewelry and a Little Ol' Challenge

When my copy came in the mail the other day I was still quite ill...and instead of being in the moment, I was worried because since I was sick, I didn't have any really "good stuff" in my shop to make a good impression on folks who might visit after reading my article. I had to remind myself to be as kind to myself as I would be to others in this situation....I took a deep breath and told myself that not having my shop chocked full of Intention Lockets was okay. That this illness was present in my life for reasons. To teach me to slow down a little. To be kinder to myself. To remember what is important. to name a few.
And it is hard for me to feel deserving of such an honor...to be alright with being included in a beautiful publication such as Belle Armoire Jewelry with so many jewelry artists who do so much more than just put things together. They forge and twist and mold and pour and sew and bead...and all I do is stick things to things with glue and add some beads and stuff. I think to myself, who the heck do I think I am?! Anyone could do what I do. You don't really have anything special. No one is gonna care about your lame stuff after looking at everyone else's beauties.
Once again, I gently remind myself of the things I'd say to someone else. What you do IS important. What you do is relevant. Your work is unique and valid. What you do brings joy to others, and that is what matters most....not how many lockets are in your shop this week or how many opportunities you have  to get yourself "out there."
Readers, I challenge you all to do the same.
So often we are not as good to ourselves as we are to strangers, to friends, to colleagues or family. The next time you want to crush your self worth, or talk yourself out of the stuff that dreams your are made of, think of my challenge this week. Change your inner dialogue. Say the kind things to yourself that you'd say to others. Be as kind and as loving to yourself that you would be to someone else....and I promise I'll do the same.


  1. LAURIE J JACOBSEN08 September, 2010

    Oh Jennifer - If i could tell you the smile that I get on my face every single time i put on earrings that you made, you would know. I fight with myself to rotate them, because I get "favorites" and I tell myself to be nice and wear them all evenly, like they were children...and every time I wear them I think of you and the love that you put into the searching and the choosing and the assembling, and I smile. You've completely ruined me for other jewelry. Keep the faith - you absolutely ROCK!

  2. Yes, I'm liking this idea! Just so you know, I think you're great! Your work is meaningful it truly does bring joy to others. I love my special necklace and my earrings. I've got my eye on the noire earrings in your shop but the back to school shopping has depleted my funds. Feel better sister. :)

  3. ...a heartfelt & beautiful and thoughtful article...much appreciated...be well....greetings from Australia

  4. Please don't ever think your jewelry doesn't mean anything to every one of us... I have fallen in love with your jewelry and I keep asking myself why haven't I gotten the lockets in high school? Maybe I would get through life a bit better knowing how much love and magic and the glue you have put in the necklaces.

    My life got much better with you and your work in it, so I believe that you are well deserving to be in Belle Armoire Jewelry... If you had to ask who was my favorite in the current issue... (whispers) yours.

  5. You deserve every ounce of page space and more! No, not just anybody can do what you do-your work is beautiful and has soul. I know I feel so much better when I wear my earrings and even more so when I wear the necklace as well!! I love your challenge-it is too easy to forget ourselves and compare or simply to become our circumstances. You have been a gift to so many and certainly to me! I celebrate you and I know many others do too!

  6. Jennifer, as they say with writing: there is nothing new written under the sun. But it's how you present your story and creations that is the heart of your art, sets you apart. Your jewelry is beautiful. I wore the Chocolate Truffle earrings today and still have them on; they gave me pure joy. Love them♥ and thank you for creating them. There were a few moments last night and this morning when I wanted to buy everything in your shop. I resisted the urge, but know I will be back. -Mia

  7. Your creations have that kind of heart and soul that can't just be glued or stuck or ____. You have that special magic, your soul IS present. I too feel it when I wear your Sacred Cake.

    I'm so glad you're giving yourself a slice of kindness! Everything you said resonates.

    AND YAY for you and Belle Armoire! You are on a roll! I'm keeping my eye out for when it hits my bookstore!

    You are enough. Always. Glad you're feeling on the up and up!

  8. Congratulations on being featured in such a wonderful publication! I can not WAIT to get a copy! I'm SO proud to know Your Talented Self and to be a collector of such Inspired Creations! BRAVO, YOU FABULOUS ARTIST, YOU!!!


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