When I asked him if he'd like to go out in it, his eyes lit up and we proceeded to go through my beconning and messy studio to the back door and he excitedly ran out into the heavy downpour. Dancing and laughing and playing like a five year old would. Then he asked me to join him....at first I said no because I was still in my pajamas. But then I remembered, this life is the only one I have. As I remembered from Simple Abundance, this is no dress rehearsal. This is it. This one life. And so I ran out into the warm summer rain in my black faux satin Walmart special p.j.'s and I stood there under the sky and I felt so connected to the earth and to God at the same time as the rain pelted my body. In that moment, I remembered again, that this joy....this kind of high, can be attained every. single. day. It is all about living in the moment. It is all about mindfulness. It is all about realizing what really matters in this life; and it isn't about what the neighbors will think of me out in the rain in my pajamas. We all know what it is, but if you are anything like me, you get lost sometimes....and you need a good rain to wash away the dust of day to day living; the film of weariness that sometimes covers us...we get jaded and we loose hope. But know this; you are not alone in this world.
I need to hear that every now and then. I just need to hear it, I need to read it I need to feel it I need to breathe it.
Today, I felt it in the rain. I felt the splendor that this world can hold in a single raindrop. The wonder of life and the joy that comes with just being.
If I could bottle it somehow and give it away....that kind of simple joy that I felt today...well, this is as close as I can get...this blog is a message in a bottle, of sorts.
My message to you (and to myself) would be simple. My message would be:

Oh Jennifer, i'm so moved by this poetic reminder of our one life. It feels so good to be washed over w/ such love + play, without a moments hesitation! This is EXACTLY what I needed to hear on this day. I will dance through my day now. I just love your little note... you are such a dear + special soul. Thank you for sharing this story.
ReplyDeleteSo much love + abundance to you,
WOW! I' speachless! I uses to wak under the rains as a college student and as I was reading you post I longed for those days. You are so right! God gave us this lovely life to enjoy! I always have this in my mind when I wajke up: A new day has come... Enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteJennifer, keep following your dreams and :Enjoy the Ride" trhough this amazing journey!
One would not think it should be brave to attempt such a simple act of abundance, but I find it to be so. My daughter loves to play in the rain, yet I never join her. Some unspoken fear has kept me inside. Now, I think, how can I grow old and never have played in the rain. Realization has come late; better than never. If you are not; I am not alone.
ReplyDeleteJennifer, I love this. You write with such grace and pleasing motion. What a beautiful passage you have written that poetically portrays a childs play, a mothers love, and a reminder to all of us how precious life is.
ReplyDelete"Grace! 'tis a charming Sound,
Harmonious to my Ear!
Heav'n with the Echo shall resound,
And all the Earth shall hear."
Philip Doddridge (1702–1751)
hearts&hugs, Joni