Friday, July 02, 2010

A Map of the Sea, a vintage assemblage necklace

This is a new style for me, but it has been in my mind for a long time....the desire to create necklaces from colorful polished chunks of the earth (this necklace, exquisite Peruvian opals) and vintage finally out of my mind and into a Map of the Sea...this necklace reminds me so much of the colors in my favorite vintage maps. Believe it or not, it is the ocean part of the maps that appeals to me the most...and the beautiful Gulf Coast, Indian ocean and Pacific Ocean call to me...beckoning me to the mast of a little blue sailing ship with the wind in my hair and the smell of the fresh ocean water on my skin...sprays from the wake of the bow misting my ankles...yes, this evokes such things.....
..and while I am out on the sea, the leaf reminds me that home is waiting, when you are ready to return.
This necklace is for sale in my Etsy shop here.


  1. With your words, you seduce me to the sea, yet I have no sea map of my own. May I suggest a companion bracelet for us sad, slighted sailors. A pair upon the sea; one for her, and one for me. A sure sale/sail.

  2. I'm so glad you finally have it OUT! I love the colors + the glass + how it all relates to the sea.

    With Love,

  3. wow!! I love your new style, fresh, tender, and elegant. PERFECT.


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